Sunday, March 22, 2009

High risk shipment on its way from Cherbourg to Japan

Cergy Pontoise the 22/03/2009.

Thanks to Green Peace the public is informed that the biggest shipment of nuclear material ever transported is on its way from France to Japan. Approximately 1.8 tons of plutonium (enough to make more than 200 nuclear bombs) have left the port of Cherbourg and will be transported by sea to reach Japan in 2 months time. The shipment will probably go through territorial waters of countries that are not even aware of its existence. The transport will be under the responsibility of the British company “Pacific nuclear Transport Limited”. Two ships: the Pacific Pintail and the Pacific Heron will be escorted by military vessels and probably submarines. It is expected that in the future, there will be more and more of these shipments.The Plutonium was produced in the nuclear plant of Marcoule (Rhone valley) and stored in the plant of La Hague in Normandy. In France it was transported by trucks under military escorts.There was no public or official announcement of this news…

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