Monday, April 20, 2009

Have you ever heard about “Radon” gas ?

All of you know about the Radium that was discovered by Pierre and Marie Curie, but only a few may know what is the radon.
The radon is a radioactive gas of natural origin. It has no smell and no colour. You can find it anywhere on the planet. It is a product of the disintegration of radium, itself a product of the uranium that can be found anywhere in the soil. Concentration of radon in the air depends on the type of soils. With granite or volcanic soils the production of radon is usually higher.
Radon can be used in medical radiotherapy . At the same time it was confirmed by the World Health Organization that it
can provoke cancers.
In France measures of radon gas levels are undertaken regularly on the whole territory by the National institute of nuclear safety, based on the principle that you can find Uranium almost anywhere in the soils.
While it is important to understand better the impact of Radon gas on public health and particularly cancer incidence, it cannot be compared with other major factors such as for example tobacco consumption, or urban pollution.
To prevent risks there should be a good ventilation of the room, and a covering of the soil.

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